I apologize for the long delay. Lear is now open, the understudies have been trained in their fights, the final manuscript complete with copy-edits has been sent, and I have a little more time to devote to this.

One of the interesting things about getting the marked up pages of the copy-edits (grammer, spelling, punctuation, etc.) was that there was a list of every single name I had used in the book. Now, I was aware that I had used many names – but not that many! Most of them are passing references, but here we go. We begin with the letter A:

Abbot of San Zeno, father of the current abbot

Abbot of San Zeno

Alaghiero di Cacciaguida

Albertino Mussato

Alberto della Scala I

Alberto della Scala II

Alboino della Scala


Alighiero Alaghieri

Amabilio, Signora de


Antonia Alaghieri (Imperia)

Antonio Capecelatro (Antony)

Antonio Nogarola

Arcole family



Aurelia Montecchio

Aventino Fracastoro