The longer you’ve been away, the harder it is to post. Until you have something really good…

Firstly, St. Martin’s has bought the second book in the Mercutio series, a direct sequel to THE MASTER OF VERONA.

The title of the second book is in flux, though I’m presently leaning towards a line from Romeo & Juliet. For the curious, I’ll also say that Raphael Sabatini used the line for the title of one of his less famous books. There, go to.

Secondly, the foreign rights have sold in two countries – Russia and Poland, of all places! I’m very exciting. One of my earliest jobs was transliterating cyrilic texts, and soon I’ll have my own cyrilic copies to pretend I can read.

And I’m about to put up the cover of THE MASTER OF VERONA, along with an early variation on it.

Cheers, and happy new year!