As I finish work on the sequel, I’m lining up theatrical work for the rest of the year. Up next, I’ll be directing THE COMPLEAT WRKS OF WLLM SHKSPR (abridged) at Noble Fool Theatricals in St. Charles. This job fell into my lap out of the blue. I have produced this show five or six times by now, first in and around Ann Arbor, most recently here in Chicago, first at CityLit, then a long and much-loved run at the Mercury Theatre. After so many years with the show, I thought I was pretty much done with it. But then Noble Fool asked if we could remount our production once again, and bring it to them. It’s good money, and that show is loads of fun. I won’t be acting in it this time (I’ve joined the actor’s union this year, so I couldn’t even if I wanted to), but the cast we’ve got I’m very excited about.

The other reason I can’t do the show is that while they’re finishing the run at St. Charles, I’ll be in Michigan for my first extended stay in seven years. I’ll be rehearsing and performing at the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, playing the Scottish king in MACBETH and choreographing the fights for HENRY V. This, too, fell into my lap out of a clear blue sky. I got an e-mail early in January from my old friend, John Neville Andrews. He asked if I was interested in the Scottish king. Now, 2007 is the first year since 2001 that I haven’t played Macbeth for some company. So I was excited to say yes, thus keeping my streak alive. Hell, I played Mac the day Dash came home from the hospital, a whole five days old.

In fact, Mac is quick coming to rival Mercutio as the role I’ve most often played. And the good thing about Mac, for me, is that I have another couple of decades that I’ll be able to play him. Unlike Mercutio, who is all but behind me now. Which is for the best. I spent too many years with my ego wrapped around that role. Hell, I’ve devoted how much of my life to writing his life’s story? Because that’s what this book and the sequels are all about – Mercutio’s story.

Ha – didn’t think I’d get back around to the novel, did you? Shame. For me, it all comes back to the novel. In fact, I’ll be pulling double-duty this summer. Acting Mac on the weekends, promoting the book the rest of the time. Because the book comes out the week after the shows open. Proving I want to drop dead from exhaustion.