As a secondary honor to the past week of Muppet-mania here at the Blixt house, I’m posting a cast list I made last fall to amuse my Goodman cast-mates. So, sit back and enjoy imagining the Muppet Shakespeare Theatre as it presents – MUPPET KING LEAR!!

  1. KING LEAR – Waldorf (from the balcony)
  2. FRANCE – Lew Zeeland (the boomerang-fish guy)
  3. BURGUNDY – Link Hogthrob
  4. CORNWALL – Animal
  5. ALBANY – Fozzie Bear
  6. KENT – Rowlf the Dog
  7. GLOUCESTER – Sam the American Eagle
  8. EDGAR – Kermit the Frog
  9. EDMUND – The Great Gonzo
  10. FOOL – Statler (from the balcony)
  11. GONERIL – Miss Piggy
  12. REGAN – Janice
  13. CORDELIA – Camilla the Chicken
  14. OSWALD – Beaker
  15. CURAN – Rizzo the Rat
  16. Lear’s Knight – Sweetums
  17. Old Man – Pops the Doorman
  18. Doctor – Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
  19. Cornwall’s Man – Robin the Frog (Kermit’s Nephew)
  20. Captain Hark – Pepe the King Prawn
  21. Servants to Cornwall – Swedish Chef, Uncle Deadly 
  22. Messenger – Scooter
  23. Ensemble: Beauregard, Mahna Mahna, Mary Louise, Zelda Rose, Wayne, Wanda

You have to have the right (or wrong) sense of humor for this, but try to imagine the highlights:

1 – Camilla the Chicken’s seeming rejection of Waldorf, her father, for which he banishes her:

  • Waldorf: What can you say to draw a third more opulant than your sisters’? Speak?
  • Camilla: Bwawk bwak.
  • Waldorf: Nothing?
  • Camilla: Bwawk bwak.
  • Waldorf: Better thou hadst not been hatched, than not to have pleased me better!

2 – Rowlf the Dog beating Beaker for insulting the king, and then being stocked (leashed) for his pains:

  • Rowlf: Fellow, I know thee.
  • Beaker: Me me?
  • Rowlf: Thou art a knave, a rascal, an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggerly, lily-livered whoseson glassgazing rogue! A begger, coward, pander, and the son and heir to a mongerl bitch!
  • Beaker: Me me me mememe!

3 – Animal tearing out Sam the Eagle’s eye, then being stopped by Kermit’s nephew Robin:

  • Robin: Hold your hand my lord! Better service have I never done you than now to bid you hold!
  • Animal: Vill-ain! Vill-ain!
  • Robin: Come on then, and take the chance of anger! (they fight, stab each other)
  • Animal: Me am hurt?
  • Robin: (to Sam) My lord, you have one eye left to see some mischief on him! (dies)
  • Animal: No see more! Out, vile Jell-o! (tears out Sam’s other eye)
  • Sam: Oh cruel! Oh, ye gods!

4 – Janice and Miss Piggy’s affairs with Gonzo, for which they murder each other;

5 – Waldorf heckling the storm ("Oh, you call that blowing?!"), then stripping naked and running around like the madman he has become;

6 – Gonzo ordering Pepe to murder Camilla (Pepe: I am not a horse, okay! If it be man’s work, I’ll get it done, okay!);

7 – Kermit pretending to be mad, then facing off against his brother Gonzo in a final swordfight.

Promising, don’t you think? Of course the Muppet writers would have much more fun than I am here in this quickie post. So let’s begin a lobby, shall we? Who wants ABC and Disney to produce a Muppet Shakespeare play?