I’ve gotten some amusing notes from friends regarding the Muppet Lear post. So let me digress even further to note that, while wonderful, the Muppets are not my ideal cast for King Lear. That honor goes to the kids from South Park.

Imagine – Cartman as Lear. "Blow, wind. Eh. No, stop it wind. No, wind, I changed my mind! Dammit, wind, stop!"

Kenny as Gloucester – I mean, we’ve seen his eyes get plucked out often enough.

Stan and Kyle as Edmund and Edgar. Or vice versa. Makes no difference to me.

Butters. Gee, who couldn’t Butters play? Albany? Of course. Oswald? Sure, though I might award that to Tweak. Cornwall? That would be funny, but I think Timmy as Cornwall would be better. But I think the real genius move would be to place Butters as Kent. Because Butters can do anything. Which is why Jan loves him so.

Now, I won’t be typing up a script for this. Because, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t match these guys for sheer balls. Did you see this week’s show? I laughed myself sick. Matt and Trey are geniuses.

No, I’m gonna stick to ripping off Shakespeare. South Park is out of my league.

– DB