This is the text that will appear on the dust-jacket flap. I am pleased to say I had a hand in crafting it – all those years hanging around my parents’ ad agency must have rubbed off a bit.   
     Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all time.
     And every story has a beginning…

     In 1314, seventeen year old Pietro Alighieri travels to Verona with his father, in infamous poet Dante, at the invitation of the city’s leader, the legendary Francesco "Cangrande" della Scala. A sneak attack from Padua leads Pietro into his first battle, fighting alongside the charismatic Cangrande, and into a tight friendship with Mariotto Montecchio and Antonio Capulletto.  Behind the scenes, repeated attempts are made against the life of a child believed to be Cangrande’s illegitimate son and possible heir.
      Pietro is drawn into the web of intrigue around the child and the tension building between Mariotto and Antonio over a woman betrothed to one and in love with the other – a situation that will sever a friendship, divide a city, and ultimately lead to the events of the best known tragic romance in the world.
      Inspired by the plays of Shakespeare, the poetry of Dante, and the events of history, The Master Of Verona is a compelling novel of politics, loyalty, conspiracy, and star-crossed romance.