The last couple weeks have been post free. Sorry about that. It’s not that I’ve been slothful. Aside from some family health issues, it’s been fairly dull. I spent last week contacting the major Shakespeare festivals, trying to get some sort of presence for the novel. Only had one negative response so far, which is great. The other dozen or so are interested in flyers, copies, or signing events. All very cool, but lacking fireworks.
I’m spending this week working out and memorizing lines for Macbeth, which goes into rehearsals in a couple of weeks. The memorizing isn’t a chore – anybody who knows me is aware of how quickly I pick up lines. And having played the Scottish king in at least a hundred performances over the last few years, it’s not like I’m starting from scratch. I’m actually trying to correct any bad habits I’ve developed – paraphrasing, off-meter, etc.
All of this is enjoyable, but fairly ordinary. The thing about not posting, though, is that when you finally come back, it should be with something juicy or interesting. I wish I had something. Let’s see – have I mentioned that MV has sold in Spain? Probably. News on the sequel? My agent enjoyed it, but since my editor hasn’t read it yet, there’s little I can do on that front. I’m doing research for the third book – I don’t know enough about Pope John XXII or Emperor Loius the Bavarian, and the war between them. The facts are all easily obtained, but I’m looking for personal details, which are harder to find. And in the third book we meet Petrarch for the first time, which is exciting – he’s turning out to be fun to write.
That’s the news. Fairly unexciting, I know. But it can’t all be beer and skittles, can it?