In an amusing entry in what will certainly be an ongoing series, I’m listing here many of the search terms typed into various engines that brought people to this blog. While "David Blixt", "Master of Verona", and "Capulet-Montague Feud" are always the leaders, others are more obscure, and far more amusing. Here are a few:

how to draft draped bodice

romeo and juliet script translation

ganglion cyst on my wrist

the "great gonzo" cornwall


pater hood falconry

romeo and juliet dear abby letters

character names in shakespeare Antonia

aventino lear leather

a crew of patches blixt

film critics reviews of zefferelli Romeo and Juliet

who sang everybody’s free from romeo and juliet


falcon lure + explanation

what is the setting of the tradegy of romeo and Juliet

Giotto’s painting The Homage of the Simple Man

camilla the chicken muppet

young Carrara

boys master escort


muppet master

manchester police

ponte ciolo climb

Cassius & Brutus Fan Fiction

mariotto reward

verona church closest to juliet’s house

what’s the epilogue of romeo and juliet

and my favorite:

Pleasing my master