More from Marty Smith:

Pistol and Bardolph and Nym

Found their friend old Sir John looking grim;

They mourned him quite well,

And then turned to Nell,

Who soothed them in ways not so prim.


If music of love be the food,

I need at least an etude;

A well string-ed ho,

To pluck and to bow,

And do things immodest and lewd.


Cleopatra sat on her barge

Thinking “Julius Caesar was large,

But Marcus Antonius

Is far more harmonious,

And knows how to give me a charge.”


To recall the names of her suitors,

Cleopatra needed computers.

The list was as large,

As of Madam Defarge,

And they all loved her lips and her hooters.


King Henry V’s manly itches

Were scratched by the enemy’s bitches;

But after the slaughter,

He nailed France’s daughter,

And “Once more unto her breeches.”


Despite the ‘lectric-eye locks,

A Burglar broke into Shylock’s,

Who complained, “If you please,

He took all my cream cheese,

My bagels, and two pounds of my lox.”