Over at readingthepast Sarah Johnson has posted the first part of an interview I did with her some months back, right after she read the novel. So, technically, this was my first interview about the book. And, other than one oblique spoiler-y comment on my part, it’s certainly the one I took the most care in answering. Far fewer of my pat answers – but then, there were far fewer pat questions. Instead, she had some really deep, knowledgable, pointed queries that made coming up with responses a joy.

Oh, and the book comes out tomorrow. There isn’t a word for the mixture of pride, joy, trepidation, anxiety, and quiveriness that fills me at this moment. I desperately want to go back and rewrite, do a last sweep for infelicities, do something! In theatre you can keep tinkering with beats and moments, sound and lights, right up to the raising of the curtain. But not so with this. I have to trust that the story will carry the readers along.

Thankfully, I have the support of people like Sarah, who has been astonishingly kind to a new author. So go check her out.

(Tomorrow. And tomorrow, and tomorrow…)
