Since Monday I’ve had five more requests for interviews. Already one of them has taken place and been posted. It’s over at historicalboys, a site run by fellow historical novelist C.W. Gortner. In his enthusiasm to aid a comrade-in-arms, he’s given me a great deal of excellent advice, and done more this week to promote MV on Amazon than I have in six months. I am in his debt.

And of course there’s the second half of my interview with Sarah Johnson at readingthepast. I wrote those answers three months back, and it’s fun to finally see them up and read the responses. Again, Sarah has been a treasure, and she’s written the only guide I know of to the genre of historical fiction. If you are a reader, that book is a magnificent map.

More and more interviews are coming, as soon as people read the thing. And there are many other developments that are, at present, too tenuous to put into print. As soon as they become concrete, I will share. Meanwhile, let me throw a shout out to Gabriele at Lost Fort for sending so many readers my way. Welcome, all! I hope to entertain (to quote Daffy Duck) in my own inimitable fashion.