This is strange, in a fun and possibly cool way.

I ordered five copies of MV on Amazon (the price is about the same as my author discount, when shipping is added). This morning I got an e-mail telling me that the release date for the book has been delayed, so they won’t be shipping it until Friday at the earliest, the 8th of August at the latest.

Which is odd, because I’ve gotten e-mail from several people telling me they got their copies from Amazon this morning. Then I thought, is it an author thing? But no, no sooner have I heard that people are getting their books but I’m hearing from people who have gotten the same message as me – release is delayed, so the shipping isn’t happening on time.

I wrote my editor, who is looking into it. But at the moment, Jan and I are leaping to a rather heart-warming conclusion:

Amazon didn’t order enough copies.

So, to everyone out there who has bought the book (on Amazon or elsewhere) – thank you. If you’re waiting for your copy, well, call me and I’ll read you a chapter or two.

I’ll keep you all updated on this.

(Heh heh heh! Silly Amazon)


UPDATE : Sarah Johnson informs me that Baker & Taylor is having the same issue. No one has stocked enough copies! Which means, conversely, that demand is greater than anyone anticipated. Woo-hoo! 36 hours in, and the book is selling out!