Kimberley over at Enduring Romance has just posted a lovely review to THE MASTER OF VERONA. Despite a terrible cold, she has a very conversational style that brings up a lot of things often glossed over in reviews.

It strikes me that there are a lot of reviews/interviews out there at this point, and with the Chicago Sun-Times, The Chicagoist, PerformInk, Backstory, and the Page 69 Test all pending (among others!), it might be useful to gather all the links in one place.

Meanwhile, the second short story is complete, and out to be edited. It is currently entitled VARNISHED FACES.

So here are the reviews and interviews (some are external, some internal). Enjoy!


Reading The Past – Part 1

Reading The Past – Part 2

Historical Boys

Ann Arbor News

Miranda Magazine

Michelle Moran

Author’s Den (part of a piece comparing play and novel writing)

St. Martin’s Press Interview

NPR Interview


Kirkus Reviews

Publisher’s Weekly

Historical Novel Society

Peter Tremayne

Christopher Walsh

Tuscon Citizen (scroll down)


Enduring Romance (as mentioned above)

And, of course, the Amazon and reviews