Okay, the first of the short stories is done. Of course, now that I’ve started coming up with ideas for short stories, I’m buried in them. The first short is actually the backstory of the Count of San Bonifacio. The second takes place in 1315, at the very top of part IV in the novel, during a party in Padua that is alluded to in Romeo & Juliet.

And now, just today on the EL, I had an idea for another – we’ll call it Cesco Goes To Venice. I know for a fact that Cesco takes a trip to Florence in 1322, at the ripe age of 8. But there’s nothing so far in book two that suggests he has ever been to Venice. However, the idea intrigues me, and we all know what a bad sign that is. Maybe I’ll write it, maybe I won’t. Again – we’ll see.

But the first one is finished, and I’m about halfway through the second. If all goes well, I’ll have them on sale on Amazon sometime next month. Keep your eyes peeled…