Looks like I owe Tuscon a visit…

See why here. Very cool.

But I have no idea when that would happen. This week alone I’ve fielded invitations to go to North Carolina, California, Glasgow, and Paris. But, since they would all be on my own dime, I’m trying to figure out how to make it work. I don’t have nearly enough frequent flyer miles – though it think that’s gonna be changing soon…

But I can make time for the easy ones – like Chelsea, Michigan. Just had an invite to Cranesbill Books there. No idea when I can do a reading, but I’ll drop in this weekend on my way to Ann Arbor and sign a few copies for them to have on hand.

And why am I heading back to A2 so soon after such an extended stay? Well, almost a year ago my grandmother died (no, really, trust me – no condolences necessary. Someday I’ll tell you about her), and left her house to my mother. Who has managed to sell it, in spite of the horrible market. Astonishing.

But it means there’s a lot of furniture to get out of there, and my father can use a hand loading the truck.

So if you’re reading this and you’re in Ann Arbor on Sunday, there’s talk of a brunch. Drop me a line.
