I seem to blog in cycles – in a day I’ll write entries that will carry me through two weeks, then nothing much for another two weeks. Sorry about that, but I can’t promise to change. Especially since most of my time is being spent on writing-writing, not blog-writing. I am unrepentant!

However, there’s a bit of news that I am late in sharing. Firstly, I’ve signed a contract with Amazon.com to publish several short stories through their AMAZON SHORTS program. These short stories (less than 10,000 words apiece) will cover the years between THE MASTER OF VERONA and THE FALCONER’S VOICE, due out next Fall. They’ll cost 48 cents apiece, and be a completely self-contained arc. The first will go live sometime around the beginning of November. Dealing with Antony crashing a wedding in Padua, it is entitled VARNISHED FACES.

The second piece of news is that I’m doing my first phone book-club chat this coming week. It will be an interesting experience discussing the novel with a group that’s already read it. I’m equally nervous and excited. Should be fun.

Thirdly, Book 3 is taking shape nicely. Acts 3, 4, and 5 are all pretty much in place, with the exception of the climactic action piece which I have plotted but not written. Act 1 is about half finished, and Act 2 is entirely theoretical. I’m in a strange position with this book, as I’d already written it, then chopped it up to become books 2, 3, & 4. Which means I had the beginning of book 2 and the ends of books 3 & 4. Oddly, it was much easier to find a suitable ending for book 2 than it was to create a new opening for book 3. Go figure.

Also the TV pilot went out this week to five different production companies. Not sure if I expect to hear anything, ever. Jan and I are very proud of it, but it depends on so many factors (it’s a period piece, it deals with someone else’s intellectual property) that I’ve girded myself to hear "No" a lot. But, as I say, we’re very excited about it, and have the first several episodes plotted out.

Patches goes into rehearsals next week, starting with the fight choreography. Which means me. And I’m discussing a trip to North Carolina – but I’ll talk about that some other post. That’s certainly enough of an update.

‘Tis enough. ‘Twill serve.