The signing at the Book Cellar was a lot of fun. Met a couple of really interesting authors, most notably Geoffrey Edwards, author of FIRE BELL IN THE NIGHT. I started reading it last night and it grabbed me, despite being far from my usual time and place – pre-Civil War America. Jeff is a great guy, and we hung around until they kicked up out swapping publishing stories. Turns out he’s the winner of’s First Chapter contest – quite cool. So go buy his book.

I also got to sit down with my friend Chris Walsh for an interview. He’s a new contributer for Metroblogging Chicago, and I gave him an over-long interview fraught with interruptions while I signed copies. I’ve mentioned him before on the blog, as we met during Defiant Theatre’s production of A Clockwork Orange, for which I designed the violence. He’s having a great acting year, which makes me envious – I’ve taken the year off to write more. A good choice, but I still feel the call of the stage every day…

Just last night a new interview with me went live. I say new, but when I read it I didn’t at first remember giving it. Because it was something I had put together three months ago (!). However, I’m delighted it’s up because there are a few nuggets of information that haven’t show up in other places – mostly my road to getting published. Hence the title of the blog – Novel Journey. Thanks, Gina!

I’ve been e-chatting with Michelle Moran, author of Nefertiti. She is just a lovely woman, and is enjoying a deserved success with her novel. So go buy that too.

I’m going to try to be better about posting – this once-a-week thing is ridiculous. The problem is, all I have to talk about at the moment is Book 3, or the Othello book, or the Shakespeare novel, all of which have been progressing this past week. And I don’t want to discuss them, as I tend to be a spoilery human being (Rosebud was the sled! Vader is Luke’s father! The shrink is a ghost! Verbal is Kaiser! They were on Earth the whole time!). The only other thing I could do is post a few chapters from the new novel, which now has a title… Oh, hey! A post about the title! Okay. I’ll do that tomorrow.

Cheers, DB