I just put up the Sun-Times piece, and I didn’t want to clutter it with my notes, so this is a brief follow-up.

Firstly, I was pleasantly shocked to see how much space the story was given – nearly a full page in their Books section (9B if you want to find a copy).

Secondly, my reason for recreating it word-for-word here as opposed to just linking to it is simple – I couldn’t find it online. Which didn’t bother me in the slightest, as I have a rather strong online presence already (the number of hits I get on this blog alone lets me know it’s true, since I can backtrack and see what people typed in to their search engines). Maybe they’ll add it later in the week. If they do, I’ll link to it then. (UPDATE – They did, so I did).

My only real frown came not from the story but the image they put with it. The only way I can describe it (because I’m certainly not posting it!) is David as a Shakespeare-bobble-head standing in Linus’ pumpkin-patch with Yorik’s skull. It’s like a bad version of a Jonathan Carroll novel, or else a low-budget Dave McKean rip-off. Very odd. Clearly they couldn’t just run the photo they took of me, or the cover of the book. Then again, I’m grateful I got off so easily. Looking at the rest of the section, my graphic was actually the best…

That aside, I’m heartily happy with the piece, and already I’ve been invited to seven local stores to sign some copies. So, thank you Mary, thank you Gwen and Jeff, and thank you Sun-Times. Let’s do it again sometime!

Coming soon: WFMT’s book give-away! AuthorBuzz! Amazon Shorts! And a reading and signing at the Book Cellar! Stay tuned!