If I’ve been remiss in updating this blog, it’s only because I’m deep, deep in research for the new novel. I have, however, hit upon an entertaining diversion for the next week or so, for those who have been missing me. More on that tomorrow.

A quick note – VOICE OF THE FALCONER has been pushed back to Winter, 2009. This sounds dire (at least, those friends I’ve told are mourning), but really it’s a good thing. It was done at the suggestion of Dan Conaway, my new agent, for reasons to do with profitable release times and book-momentum, in connection to THE MASTER OF VERONA coming out in trade paperback in Fall of this year. My only sadness is that I wanted a novel out in 2008. But a delay of three months is apparently a boon, so I will take it as such.

Lastly, I recently opened the mail to discover a marvelous little treasure from my friend Rita Severi. She was the translator for the poetry of Mauello Guidio in MV. She just sent me a copy of her latest work, a side-by-side translation of Maurice Hewlett’s MADONNA DEL PESCO, aka MADONNA OF THE PEACH TREE. It’s labelled una storia di Verona. Published in Bologna, 2007. Thank you, Rita – I can’t wait for a break in the research to crack it.

Okay, back to Romans and Jews.