Okay, seriously. Who found this page by Googling "Master of Verona" + Ending? Really? Isn’t that cheating? Don’t want to read it, so you look for a link to the end?

Or maybe it’s someone who found the ending unclear. Hmmm. Disconcerting.

Okay, so maybe I did throw a lot into the end. But really, don’t you like a few surprises?

Andtrust me, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Man, FALCONER and especially FORTUNE’S FOOL are gonna knock your socks off. To say nothing of THE PRINCE’S DOOM! Twists, turns, and several sucker-punches.

Of course, if I told you any more about them, then I’d be handing out spoilers. Wouldn’t want to do that, in case I was right the first time out.

So for the spoiler hunters out there, sorry. No spoilers here. Just hints, and a wee bit of glee.

Alrighty. Back to Gunsmoke.