I’m several months late getting this up, because somehow I missed it in December. Just found it last night, much to my delight (and chagrin).

One of the more significant theatre reviewers in Chicago is Jonathan Abarbanel. He reviews for the local NPR station, WBEZ, and for various publications, including PerformInk. Now, there had already been a story about me in PerformInk, but Mr. Abarbanel put up a second in early December. Here ’tis. I’m very gratified.

As to the issue he raises – Sex seems to be a recurring theme this month for fans of my book. They seem to say,"We like it very much, but could the next one have some sex in it, please?"

Sorry to disappoint, but the heavy sex scenes don’t come into the story until the third novel. Then you’ll get your full share of bodice-ripping, I promise.

Maybe I’m prudish for this, but I’ve refrained from putting in a sex scene until it can move the plot along. If it wasn’t necessary to the story, it was out, because then I’d just be writing sex for the sake of sex, and the books are long enough already.

Besides, Shakespeare never puts his sex on-stage, and I’m trying as best I can to mimic Shakespearean structure (cop out! I know).

Anyway, thanks to Mr. Abarbanel, and I promise there will be loads of sex as soon as Cesco’s old enough.
