I wrote a while back that St. Martin's Press was delaying VOICE OF THE FALCONER, the sequel to THE MASTER OF VERONA, until next year. This is reflected in the SMP Fall catalog, which only lists the trade paperback of MV.

It seems, however, that Amazon didn't get the memo.

Yes, they're preselling VOICE OF THE FALCONER on their site this very moment. A reader excitedly e-mailed me the link on Saturday, and I nearly fainted when I saw the release date. I regret to say that, no, the book will not be coming out in November – it lacks the final edits, a cover, a few changes to the internals (maps and whatnot), etc. So really, there's no way.

But it's gratifying to watch it climb as the word spreads. It made it up to 6,000 on Amazon's sales ratings over the weekend – which, out of the millions Amazon sells, is great. Let me thank everyone for their support, and I'll try to figure out some way to fill the gap between November and whenever the book actually comes out.
