When I reported that Amazon was pre-ordering VOICE OF THE FALCONER for this Fall, I said that the date would change. Well, it has.

The official release date for FALCONER is June 28, 2009.

It’s amusing that I learn this not from St. Martin’s Press, but from Amazon.com. By the by, you can no longer pre-order the novel (which makes me wonder what happens to all the orders already placed?), only sign up for an e-mail.

Sorry to all the folks who got excited at a November release date, but I did warn you. The book is finished and complete but unedited, and lacking art and internals, to say nothing of ARCs and advance plugs. Those things take about a year, I’m told, so the new date is likely to be the right one. We’ll see.

On a side note, I got back from seeing The Dark Knight on Saturday to find a package from SMP containing a mock-up of the paperback cover for THE MASTER OF VERONA. It’s just lovely. I especially like the spine, which on the hardcover was nearly illegible. The art department has recified that error, and now the title sings a siren song from the stacks.

More soon, I promise. There’s a great deal of wonderful nonsense in my life. The only trouble is that, with a two year-old son and a newborn daughter, any time I have to write is spent, you know – writing. There’s very little of my brain left over for blogging. But, like the Cylons, I have a plan…