Gabrielle just left a comment remarking on the unliklihood of me getting bored any time soon. How true.

Though I still have to treat the one project with a degree of secrecy, at least for another couple weeks (got good news just a few hours ago, leaving only two more hurdles – but still can’t talk about it), I can talk about everything else on my plate.

First off, there’s the third Verona novel, FORTUNE’S FOOL, and the fourth, THE PRINCE’S DOOM. Both are half-complete. Don’t ask how that happened, it’s a long story.

Outside of Verona, there are two novels I’m deep into, and two more in outline phase. One of the fleshed-out novels is the Roman one, currently entitled IN THE SHADOW OF COLOSSUS. It begins with the sack of Jerusalem, and runs the length of the Flavian dynasty.

The other is my William Shakespeare/Kit Marlowe as spies novel, the first chapter of which I posted here some months ago. I’m in discussions with Shanghai Low Theatricals (of which I am a member) to serialize that starting in August or September.

Speaking of ShangHai Low, I’m working on several literary adaptations for the stage with my partners there. Then there’s a personal play entitled THE EVE OF IDES, dealing with what are, to me, the holes in Shakespeare’s play JULIUS CAESAR.

There are a couple of essays I’m writing/have written for Amazon Shorts, plus a couple of new Verona-related shorts that I’m shopping around.  

Finally, there are two kernel novels, both of which I’ve written the prologue and first chapters to. But my agent has suggested I back-burner them until the other stuff is done. Perfectly reasonable. One of these is my novel on the Fourth Crusade. The other is about Othello. 

That’s the list, with one title significantly omitted for a little while longer, because the title says it all. But I can say this – it’s historical fiction, and set in the 1930s. Which is why I’m listening to so much Benny Goodman these days.

Switching hats is rough, but I really like these projects, and can’t wait to share them.

More soon.