They need our surpluses to spend on their wars.


They need our roads and bridges to conduct their business.


They need our healthy workers to make their products.


But most of all, they need our ideas. Republicans have none of their own. They need our ideas – or else, what could they say “no” to?


Funny story – I heard an interview with Aaron Sorkin once where he explained why THE WEST WING had to star a Democratic president. He said that it was a dramatic necessity. Republicans spend their time in office trying to say no to things, block things, resist things. Democratic presidents are active, idealistic, and try to achieve things.


This is so true. There is more drama in action than in inertia. There is also more future for our nation in action. Which is why we must elect Barack Obama president.


After all, without him, who would the Republicans have to hate anymore? I mean, other than you and me.