This week we'd like to invite:
Matt Forte, who was simply amazing in his opening for the Bears.
Lance Briggs, who is healthy again, and mean.
Laura Logan, the CBS reporter who takes no guff for her personal life – because she has more important things to do.
Sarah Palin, so Laura Logan can interview her – someone has to.
Mathew Weiner, so I can ask him just how bad things are going to get on Mad Men, and if Don is ever going to grow up.
And finally, former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick - because he deserves a home-cooked meal before he heads off to the pen.
If you do get Forte and Briggs, ask them how much crap Hester got in the locker room for that ridiculous attempt at kickoff return!
Oh, admit it – you loved it! He was trying another head fake, not realizing that they’re wise to him. Lesson learned, no damage done. Dear GOD, isn’t it good to see the Bears defense again? Briggs, Tillman, Vasher, all up to snuff – they shout “fear me!”