Some physicality notes:Mask35

– Find your light. We want to see you. For that same reason, don’t let anything cover your face – not hats, not hair, nothing. Your face is as good a tool as your voice, and we want to see it.

– At least half of everyone we saw at auditions suffered from Wandering Feet. Aimless walking is more distracting than you can imagine. Almost as bad are Locked Knees, a person not just still, but immobile. Less distracting but still noticeable is Hip-Shifting, tossing one’s weight back and forth in a stationary position. Believe it or not, most of the time these are the things that keep auditors from listening.

– No. Repetitive. Gestures. Thigh-slapping is particularly egregious. (This also goes for sighing. More than one sigh in an audition is murder)

– No half-hearted gestures. Either move, or don’t. A half-gesture lacks commitment.

– Your attire speaks volumes about your interest. Be comfortable, by all means – no need to dress up. Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, all fine. But don’t look as though you’ve just rolled out of bed. If you wouldn’t wear it to the bar or on a date, why wear it to an audition?

– No flip-flops! It’s not just the sound. Bad footwear interferes with the way you naturally walk.

– Here’s an odd one – no cologne or perfume that we can smell out in the house.

– Don’t waste our time with your prep. Take off your sweatshirt before you come in, and be ready to go.