Ravenna, Italy – 1319

“Finish it.”
“I don’t…”
“Finish it.”
“Finish it.”
“…your tone.”
“Finish it.”
                          – Silence.
“Finish it.”
                          – Silence.
“Finish it.”
“Finish it!”
“Pietro! Can you please curb your..!”
“He’s out. Finish it.”
“I will.”
“You won’t.”
“I will.”
“You say it but you won’t do it. Do it now.”
“Go away.”
“When you finish it.”
“It will take me a year at least!”
“Then you should start.”
“Wretched boy!”
“Names can’t hurt me.
"No, but I can."
"You can try. Finish it.”
“I will!”
“You never finish anything.”
“I certainly…”
De Vulgari Eleganta, Convivio…”
“I was interrupted.”
“By what?”
“An annoying child.”
“I wasn’t even born.”
“At least you acknowledge your nature. Please, leave me be.”
“They stopped paying you, didn’t they?”
“The professors at Bologna. They stopped paying, so you…”
“It was a series of… no! I’m not explaining myself to a five year-old! GO!”
“Fine. If you won’t, I will.”
“You will what?”
“Finish it.”
“Oh ho. The stripling thinks he understands tirza rima?”
“Better than you!”
I invented it!”
“Just tell me what happens and I’ll write it for you.”
“O God, I despair! Fine. See? I’m picking up the quill.”
“Good. I’ll fetch some water to dissolve the ink.”
“Bring me some wine while you’re at it. Wretched child.”
“You’ll thank me one day!”
“Hmph. You should live so long.”
                                                                                                             – Fin