While I toil on through the Roman novel (and await word on the secret project), I'm also dabbling with a new novel. I've had the first few chapters written for a year, but it's not the book my agent wants, so he's given me his blessing to serialize it.

Shanghai29Normally, this is not something I would consider. But through a confluence of events, this is a golden opportunity. You see, one of my literary hats is as part of the three-man team of Shanghai Low Theatricals. With old friends and collaborators Steve Pickering and Kevin Theis, I help to adapt classic pieces of literature to the stage.

The company is growing, and in an effort to help raise funds, we tossed around the idea of serializing something. I had an incomplete novel in a drawer, which I forwarded to them. My e-mail was brief:

Hey, guys. I've got this half-written story of Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe as spies during Shakespeare's "lost years."

Steve was the first to respond, and he was really tickled by the idea. Kevin rolled his eyes at me via cyberspace, then gave his blessing as well.

Thus, starting in May 2009, Shanghai Low Theatricals will be publishing a new novel by my, entitled HER MAJESTY'S WILL: THE BABBINGTON PLOT. My first foray into Tudor England, it's great for me because it forces me to finish the novel, one chapter at a time. Serial deadlines, if you will. (Heh. If you Will.)

So keep an eye on the Shanghai Low site for more details! And see you all soon!