When I announced the EVE OF IDES reading, I said it would be the first of many pieces of news. As promised, here we go!

On April 23, Amazon Kindle will publish five (5!) of my novels, along with three short stories and several essays. I'll give a more detailed run-down of the novels in next two months, but here's the cheat sheet:

THE MASTER OF VERONA – available on Kindle for the first time!

VOICE OF THE FALCONER – the long-awaited sequel to MoV, the second novel in the Star-Cross'd series

FORTUNE'S FOOL – the third in the Star-Cross'd series (yes, I've not been idle)

COLOSSUS: STONE & STEEL – the first in a series on the Roman/Jewish wars of the first century AD, starting with the battle of Beth Horon, through the destruction of Jerusalem, the building of the Colosseum, and the rise of Christianity. This novel focuses on the siege of Jotapata.

HER MAJESTY'S WILL – my Elizabethan spy novel starring young Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe. A romp, an Historical Fiction Road Movie, but dealing with the very grim reality of the Babington Plot.

There's so much more to share – cover art, synopses, history, and everything else that went into crafting these tales, as well as the marvelous opportunity to put them all out at once. There will be many, many updates ahead, and a new website launched next month.

As a teaser, here's a mock-up of the new MoV cover:

Master 6

So stay tuned, and thanks for your patience! I promise, there will never be a wait like this again.