Sordelet Ink 3
So now that the books are launched, here's the next phase – raising the money for publicity! I'm teaming with my dear friend, the amazingly talented Rick Sordelet, to help launch his new media company Sordelet Ink. We're starting small, underwriting and supplementing the publicity already lined up for the novels, while looking at ways to translate them into new media. But this is only the first step in the building of a group to sheperd writers to greater heights. I'm honored to be the one Rick's chosen to kick off this new effort. 

I've kept the prices on the books low – very low – to make them as accessible to as wide an audience as possible. So if, after buy all five novels for the grand total of $15 on Kindle, you can spare an extra $10 to help us reach more readers like you, I would be eternally grateful. You can visit the Kickstarter campaign HERE.

Cheers, and thanks!