The first of many giveaways sponsored by AuthorBuzz! Of the over fifty people who entered, here are the five lucky winners of a free digital copy of Her Majesty's Will (chosen out of a hat by my children):

Will 3_4.6Karen H.

Chris K.

Donna T.

Loretta E.

& Nannine D.

Thank you all for entering! I hope your interest carries you on into picking up a copy of your own – only $2.99! And keep an eye out, both on AuthorBuzz and right here, for more free books. For example, all this week Origin Of The Feud, my collection of essays on Romeo & Juliet, is FREE on Kindle. And tomorrow we have a special one-day only promotion of my first novel, The Master Of Verona. So much to offer, and so many to share these with! Thanks, everyone!