Last week I received an e-mail from a reader named Nancy who wanted (nay, nigh on demanded!) to know when THE PRINCE'S DOOM was coming out. I wrote her back, but for some reason the e-mail address was undeliverable. So I'm answering the question here:

 I'm afraid I honestly don't know when to expect it. "When I'm done writing it," is the best answer I have. I'm shooting for the same date as this year – April 23rd. But we'll see. On the 23rd of August I return from my ten weeks at the Michigan Shakespeare Festival. The moment I'm back, I have it in mind to edit three more Colossus books – they're all written, and only one needs serious work.

But I have six other novels in my head fighting for primacy after that, on wildly different topics – another Will & Kit, a sword-for-hire, a jousting love-story, a foray into time-travel, a very exciting novel about the Devil, and The Prince's Doom. Not to mention the long-delayed Othello series, which I keep putting off until I have the perfect plot. Also I have to research a play I'm co-authoring this year with a dear friend, and start recording the audiobooks of the novels already in existance. 

The good news is, the backbone of The Prince's Doom is already written. It just needs serious revisions, and the addition of a plotline I missed but that will be vital for book five. Which I have a title for…

So it will all depend on which I most feel like writing this fall and winter. The plan for 2013 is to release a book every other month. We'll see how I do! 

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support. It means the world. Brace yourself – things only get worse for Cesco now.