Dear Kevin,
Hey, congrats. Nice deal. Well done.
I'm a big fan – both of you and of Marvel (though the Marvel fandom goes back a bit further). But you're doing awesome work, and I trust what you have in mind for Spidey 100%.
That said, I've long had an idea about comic-book films, Spider-Man in particular, and now is the moment. I think it will help you. Really, really help you. So I'm just gonna toss this out there:
Put a 2-3 minute Spider-Man adventure in front of every
Disney and Sony movie for the next two years.
I've always thought this would be a great way to drum up interest in these kinds of films. The hell with trailers. Make a 3 minute adventure that leaves us all wanting/demanding/ yearning for more.
The great thing about doing this now is that this would introduce us to your new Spidey, whomever he is, while at the same time not having to actually reboot him again.
As an added bonus, Spidey has a MASSIVE rogues gallery, some amazing, some goofy. Not all of them deserve a feature film, but we'd still love to see them on the screen. For instance:
The Shocker, in a heist interrupted – sweet.
The Beetle in an arial battle – totally awesome.
Kraven hunting Spidey through Central Park (setting up Last Hunt) – I am so on board.
The Chameleon, in a Spidey spy-story – rad.
Who else? The Prowler? I'd love that. Swarm? Scary, if weird. The Ringer? Okay, that might be too goofy. The Spot? Umm…
Well, you get the idea.
Seriously, you could do six of these short Spidey films, each with a different villain, and still have a ton left. We wouldn't need a backstory – just the fight, the jokes, the danger, and the awesome. And if one of them hit a nerve (like, say, Morbius the Living Vampire), you could develop that one into its own thing.
The joy of this would be taking care of all the world-building we'd need between now and Civil War to feel invested in the Spider-Man that resides in the Marvel Universe. And you know we'll all buy the DVDs, and download them on iTunes, and watch them over and over.
'Nuff said. I await my No-Prize.
Not Brand Ecch!
(Thanks to Joseph Zettelmaier for listening to this idea and thinking it worthwhile. And for the record, I already have a No-Prize)