Aug 9, 2012 | Books - Publishing - Writing
Last week I received an e-mail from a reader named Nancy who wanted (nay, nigh on demanded!) to know when THE PRINCE'S DOOM was coming out. I wrote her back, but for some reason the e-mail address was undeliverable. So I'm answering the question here:...
Jun 27, 2012 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel
Today on Amazon I'm giving away FREE copies of The Master Of Verona! Tell your friends! It's still my best-selling book (though HMW is catching up fast!), and that start to the Star-Cross'd series – and for this one day only, it is completely FREE!...
Jun 23, 2012 | Books - Reviews - The Novel
Well well well. Haven't done one of these in awhile! Of course, there are now more and more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and Librarything to be explored. But for those coming from blogs all across the interwebs, it's nice to have a place where one can...
Jun 13, 2012 | Books - Shakespeare - The Novel
HER MAJESTY’S WILL is many things. It’s a spy novel. It’s a Tudor novel. It’s a Shakespeare novel. It’s my (unintentional) answer to the film Anonymous. It’s a little Tom Jones (both the novel and the film). It’s an ode to the late Robert Asprin’s Myth...
May 30, 2012 | Books - Shakespeare - The Novel
So – I’ve got five books out now. 4 of them are brand new. 4 of them have to do with Shakespeare. 4 are set during the Renaissance. 3 of them are set in Italy. 3 of them have good titles. 2 of them are sequels. 1 is a comedy. 1 is about heartbreak, of almost...