Feb 29, 2008 | Books - Cut Scenes
Enrico Dandolo awoke in the Venetian embassy, so recently restored to liberty. He knew it from the voices of his fellow emissaries, thick in discussion over his condition. As he stirred and sat upright, groaning, they fell silent. The first words out of his mouth...
Feb 27, 2008 | Books - Cut Scenes
Constantinople18 September 1173“Lovely as it may be, Constantinople is hardly the true heir of Rome. That honor belongs to the Serenissima, the great and serene nation of Venice.”This declaration, made with a casual and offensive certainty, produced no visible...
Feb 26, 2008 | Books - Cut Scenes
Okay, today we start with my most recent novel to be shelved. I’ve been calling it HEIR OF THE ROMANS, which is really only to avoid calling it THE FOURTH CRUSADE, a title that no one would pick up. Here’s how I came to this story. My new agent, Dan...
Feb 24, 2008 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
If I’ve been remiss in updating this blog, it’s only because I’m deep, deep in research for the new novel. I have, however, hit upon an entertaining diversion for the next week or so, for those who have been missing me. More on that tomorrow. A quick...
Jan 12, 2008 | Books - Reviews - Theatre
I’ve got a NEW BLOG. (Yes, as if I had time time…) It’s called A DARK WOOD, and it’s due to the other theatre company I’m a part of, ShanghiLow Theatricals. In an attempt to raise our profile, our Project Czar Steve Pickering has asked...