Sequel Title Fun – Part III

Happy Thanksgiving. Clearly, I have a great deal to be thankful for – wonderful wife, devilishly clever yet sweet son, a novel in stores, another coming in a year, some good shows done this year. And there’s something I can’t talk about yet that...

Sequel Title Fun – Part Deux

Next on the list is The Falconer’s Lure. Keith, my editor at SMP, really liked this suggestion of mine. So much so that he took it to the Fall meeting where they discussed the book coming out in a year’s time. The trouble was this: while it looked great on...

Sequel Title Fun – Part 1

There have been four front-runners for the title for the sequel to THE MASTER OF VERONA – though none of them are what I call the book privately. To me, MV will always be IL VELTRO, meaning both the greyhound and the bastard. Perfect, but unsaleable. The sequel...

Making New Friends

The signing at the Book Cellar was a lot of fun. Met a couple of really interesting authors, most notably Geoffrey Edwards, author of FIRE BELL IN THE NIGHT. I started reading it last night and it grabbed me, despite being far from my usual time and place –...

I Couldn’t Wait…

…for December, so I ordered Colleen McCullough’s new Rome book ANTONY & CLEOPATRA from As usual, it’s been published there before it hits the stands here. Though a bit thinner than her previous forays into Roman history, it is an...