Apr 14, 2007 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel
This is the text that will appear on the dust-jacket flap. I am pleased to say I had a hand in crafting it – all those years hanging around my parents’ ad agency must have rubbed off a bit. Romeo and Juliet is the greatest...
Mar 29, 2007 | Books - Film & Television
Having completed the sequel, I wish to mention music once again. While staples like Peter Gabriel and Tori Amos were often in evidence, this book was finished with the musical aid of two very special, but quite different, contemperaries. The first is Erich Wolfgang...
Mar 27, 2007 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
Twelve days late, the sequel is finished. I am now able to see my family, get some birthday presents for Dash, see a movie or two, and basically enjoy life until after Easter, when I start work on the third. At some later date I may put up a few snippets about the...
Mar 23, 2007 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
I’m about a day away from a finished draft of A FALCONER’S VOICE, which puts me about a week late on my deadline. Though I think they were just being funny, giving me the Ides of March as the cut-off date. Thankfully, no experienced editor is going to give...
Mar 18, 2007 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel - Theatre
As I finish work on the sequel, I’m lining up theatrical work for the rest of the year. Up next, I’ll be directing THE COMPLEAT WRKS OF WLLM SHKSPR (abridged) at Noble Fool Theatricals in St. Charles. This job fell into my lap out of the blue. I have...