Birthday Boy

Three years ago today, Jan and I stopped off at the hospital, and at around noon were introduced to a handsome young fellow who decided to lodge in our spare room. He's still there, and seems to enjoy our company. Moreover, he's more charming than ever, and...

Evie – Six Months Today

My daughter Evelyn is six months old today. Not only is she a delight to her parents, she is the apple of her big brother's eye. So for a few moments I leave Vespasian, Nero, Titus, and Josephus to stew in their own juices as I put up a few recent photos....


Okay, I'm starting to get creeped out. My son Dash was born well after I finished drafts for both the first and second novels in the Mercutio series. The fact that he is growing up to become the lead in that series is eerie beyond words. The physical part I can...

Working Holiday

This July Fourth has been busy, what with Dash really experiencing fireworks for the first time (“POW-BOOMS” he calls them) and lots of beach time. It’s one of the great benefits of living where we do that the beach is half a block away. The night of...

Presenting: Evie

June hasn't seen many posts from me. That's because I've been a bit preoccupied in working as hard as I could, as fast as I could, on as many projects as I could. Why? Because we expected some good news at the end of the month. I'm happy to say that...

Birthday Boy

Monday was my son Dash’s second birthday, his last as an only child. We spent it at the zoo. Monday being the actor day-of-rest, we spotted other actors there, hanging with their kids. Oh, and a lot of animals, too. I’ll return to the world of literature...