Life On Mars

    Haven’t had much time of late. Rehearsing two shows, working out, and being with the family has kept me away from the laptop. However, I have been able to indulge in a new obsession. Having run out of sweeping nautical epics to watch while on the...

Slings & Arrows

I mentioned the other day that I was watching season 2 of Slings & Arrows. Well, I stopped. Not because it’s bad. It’s a marvelous Canadian show about theatre – basically, a send-up of life at the Stratford Festival. No, the problem is I know...

Nautical work-out

I start rehearsals for Macbeth next week, and for the last fortnight I’ve been working out steadily, trying to get back into some kind of shape – six months of sitting in front of a computer and writing apparently results only in a ganglion cyst (see the...

Sequel music

Having completed the sequel, I wish to mention music once again. While staples like Peter Gabriel and Tori Amos were often in evidence, this book was finished with the musical aid of two very special, but quite different, contemperaries. The first is Erich Wolfgang...

South Park Lear

I’ve gotten some amusing notes from friends regarding the Muppet Lear post. So let me digress even further to note that, while wonderful, the Muppets are not my ideal cast for King Lear. That honor goes to the kids from South Park. Imagine – Cartman as...

XV – Music for Writing

Ah, sweet, sweet music. Some writers like to sit in bustling cafes, smoking their cigarillos and drinking coffee and Bailey’s. Some sit outdoors, with the sounds of nature. Some lock themselves away from the smallest pin-drop. Some don’t care what noise surrounds...