Jun 22, 2015 | History - Writing
Ahead of the Historical Novel Society Conference this weekend, I thought I'd throw out some basic combat terms as a resource for participants. So here are a few essential definitions: Baldric (Baldrick) – A belt or girdle usually of leather that...
Jun 19, 2015 | History - Writing
A week from today I'll be in Denver, leading 60 authors through their paces with Broadswords, Rapiers, and Smallswords at the Historical Novel Society Conference. It's quite an honor, and I'm hugely excited. Because the more writers understand about...
Oct 8, 2013 | Books - History - The Novel
Thanks to the astonishing and marvelous Amy Philips Bruno at Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, I'm touring the interwebs promoting the second book in the Colossus series, The Four Emperors, now out in paperback! Reviews, interviews, guest posts, book...