Jul 7, 2006 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel - Travel
The Road to Verona, the Same Night “Giotto’s O.” In the middle of a dream in which no one would let him sleep, it seemed to Pietro that the words were deliberately meant to annoy him. Almost unwillingly he dreamed of a rock, a paintbrush touching the rock, forming a...
Jul 2, 2006 | Essential Posts - Publishing
The title has given me fits, far moreso than the actual story. The original title for the first book was ‘Il Veltro.’ Italian for The Greyhound, it has several other, wonderful, connotations. Firstly, it is the title used for the hero of the prophecy in the first...
Jun 29, 2006 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
Padua, 16 September, 1314 Looking about him, Ciolo’s nerves jangled like spurs. During the whole ride they hadn’t seen a soul. Not on the road, not in the fields. No one at all. “What does it mean?” asked...
Jun 27, 2006 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare
“Romeo & Juliet is the greatest love story ever told – and every story has a beginning.” THE MASTER OF VERONA will be published in 2007 by St. Martin’s Press. With the permission of my editor, this blog allows me to post a few chapters prior to that, but it also...