Dec 10, 2015 | Books - Cut Scenes - Shakespeare - Short Stories - The Novel - Travel
I've been hunkered down for weeks, scattered between four or five different writing projects. No, at least eight. Wait, that's not right – where am I? What day is it? No matter. Because I'm surfacing to announce the arrival of a long-promised project...
Oct 30, 2013 | Short Stories
After Henry’s grandfather died and the will was read, Henry was upset to learn that all that had been bequeathed to him were the dead man’s shoes. Not just any of his shoes – the very ones he had died in. “I knew granddad never liked me,” groused Henry to his...
Aug 1, 2013 | Publishing - Reviews - Shakespeare - Short Stories
Wow! Two months later, and the shows are all up and my brain can be removed from the "Actor" mode and dropped back into "Writer" mode. And not a moment too soon! There's a lot to catch up with, including the fabulous time I had at the...
Oct 8, 2012 | Books - Cut Scenes - Short Stories - Writing
Now available – SINCERITY & OTHER SCARY TALES! Longtime followers of this blog will recognize the title story from this collection. Sincerity was my Halloween offering four years ago, reprinted last year for all my new readers. Now it appears to headline a...