Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 27

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN I stopped pacing when Doc came out of his back room. “How is he?” Doc sighed. Somehow it was worse than a head-shake. “He’s in bad shape, Marshal,” he said. He wasn’t calling me Matt. That was an even worse sign. “The worst is,” he said,...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 26

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX By mid-afternoon I was back sitting in my office. The heat was back and almost unbearable. The kid was off with Shiloh again, though they’d be back any minute. They were just rubbing down Clay Richard’s strawberry roan, which the kid had taken quite...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 25

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE After I finished having breakfast heaped on me, I said thank you to Ma Schnieder and her grand-daughter and rode back to Dodge with Kitty. “You old liar,” said Kitty as soon as we were away from the house. She was smiling at me out of the corner of...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 24

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Early the next morning I rode out to Ma Schnieder’s place. I left Chester in the office, with instructions to cut Rance loose when he woke up. I was pretty sure there’d be no more trouble from the Drag-R herd. At least not this year. And maybe word...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 23

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE I waited for half an hour while Green and the others spread the word to close up the saloons. The lights gradually went out up and down the street, and I left the office. Alone. I found Rance in front of the Texas Trail, and I was able to reach...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 22

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO It was after two o’clock in the morning. Doc had finished his surgery about an hour before, after working like the devil to save the cowboy’s life. Chester and I had come back down to the jail so that when the trouble really started people’d know...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 21

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE The government paid for my office and the jail behind it, so I stayed there. I was sure that Constable Willard Bann, fat, broke, and humble, wasn’t going to manhandle any randy Texas cowboys and throw them behind bars. And the first twenty-four...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 20

CHAPTER TWENTY Chester dropped a small pile of circulars and telegrams on my desk. “I got the mail, Mr. Dillon – what there was.” I was finishing my report on the events at Howard’s ranch. “I’ll look at it later, Chester,” I said. “I have a lot of time.” “Yessir,”...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 19

CHAPTER NINETEEN Fortunately for Dodge, the rain had not only doused the prairie fire, it’d also kept the Drag-R cowboys out of trouble. They’d kept to their cards and their beer and stayed out of the rain like sane men. But with the skies clearing and the day heating...

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GUNSMOKE – Welcome To Dodge – Chapter 18

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN  We rode back to Dodge through the downpour. I had my hat pulled low and my shoulders hunched. I was wearing my coat again, the one that now had a hole in the left pocket the size of a finger. “It’s sure not lettin’ up, Mr. Dillon,” said...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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