Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Shakespeare Limericks – Volume One

Marty Smith is an actor I've worked with a couple of time in the last fifteen years, and now I'll be murdering him nightly - he's playing Duncan in Mac. As a rehearsal challenge, our stage-manager has requested limericks about Shakespeare. Marty promptly won the game...

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Search Results

In an amusing entry in what will certainly be an ongoing series, I'm listing here many of the search terms typed into various engines that brought people to this blog. While "David Blixt", "Master of Verona", and "Capulet-Montague Feud"...

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Dante Biography

Monday being the Actor Day Of Rest, I got to relax and hang out in Ann Arbor. Did some work on various writing projects, some related to the Mercutio series (as this is rapidly becoming known - Star-Cross'd was my first choice, but it sounds too much like a Romance...

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Life On Mars

    Haven't had much time of late. Rehearsing two shows, working out, and being with the family has kept me away from the laptop. However, I have been able to indulge in a new obsession. Having run out of sweeping nautical epics to watch while on the...

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Friar Lawrence – Culpable

    A couple days ago I reconnected with Harlan Underhill, my high school Shakespeare teacher from half a lifetime ago. Harlan was also the co-director of my very first production of the Bard's work (of course, it was Romeo & Juliet. And, yes, I played...

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Title Game

Over at Bow and Lyre, they've clued me in to a fun little game. As they say: Salman Rushdie once made a parlour game out of re-working the titles of Shakespeare's plays to sound as if they were thrillers by Robert Ludlum. Test your knowledge of the Bard by guessing...

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My new favorite word: "Duck." Noun or verb, though today particularly the noun. You see, it's my son's first real word. Yes, Dashiell said "duck" several times this morning, while playing with a couple of his rubber disco ducks (bought at Cost Plus...

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I've been a member of for awhile, but I hadn't taken the time to add many books. In a fit of, I don't know, compulsive laziness, I've listed a small portion of my home library - just over two hundred books. I know, it hardly scratches the surface....

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Slings & Arrows

I mentioned the other day that I was watching season 2 of Slings & Arrows. Well, I stopped. Not because it's bad. It's a marvelous Canadian show about theatre - basically, a send-up of life at the Stratford Festival. No, the problem is I know these people too...

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Nautical work-out

I start rehearsals for Macbeth next week, and for the last fortnight I've been working out steadily, trying to get back into some kind of shape - six months of sitting in front of a computer and writing apparently results only in a ganglion cyst (see the earlier...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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