Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Brief Hiatus

As I'm in rehearsal for King Lear at the Goodman, my time is understandably limited. With a four month-old son at home, and another theatre company's shows to choreograph and direct, I have even less time to post. I'm planning a whole long series on the play of...

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XVI – Chapter Titles

If you’ve been following the chapters I’ve posted, you’ve noticed that each chapter has had a title. No more. Michael wrote me last night, praising the current edit. But his closing words were these: MY ONLY SUGGESTION WOULD BE TO LOSE THE CHAPTER TITLES, THEY'RE ......

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Dispatches from Europe #13

Again from June, 2002. This is the last of our little dispatches from Italy. Dear All,It's hot... hot hot hot. Yes, I know from the CNN weather reports that it's hot in Chicago right now... and in Michigan... and basically all around the States... but, I've got to...

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Dispatches from Europe #12

On our honeymoon back in 2002, Jan and I made a point of stopping into internet cafes and sending off these massively fun e-mails to a huge number of friends. Oh so originally, we entitled these, "Dispatches from Europe." Since I've been talking about our...

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The Count – pt. 4

Continuing Jan's account of our meeting with - The Count: At this point in the conversation, the Count switched gears and asked, “Would you like coffee?” He then stood, walked over to the door, and called “Marco!” out into the hall.  After a pause, he called...

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The Count – pt. 3

Continuing Jan's account of our meeting with - The Count: He lead us into a large paved in stones courtyard framed by the vineyard building we had just left, a large square barn-like building, a long, two-storied stone building, and the house. The house.  A...

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The Count – pt. 2

I’ve asked Jan to tell the story of our meeting with the Count. She recalls it a little differently than I do, and probably much better. Remember, this is the woman who sacrificed a week of her honeymoon to wander with me around Verona, hunting up this house or this...

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Chapter 3 – The Prince’s Near Allies pt. 2

Sunlight spilled in through billowing curtains to frame the lord of Verona and his honored guests in the arched loggia. The open side of the long covered balcony faced east, providing a magnificent view of the Adige River. It was not, however, the view one first...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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