Character Names – C

Caius Julius Caesar Cangrande (Francesco della Scala, the Greyhound, the Pup) Capelletti family, the (original family) Capulletti family, the (new family) Cardarelli Castricani Cato Catullus Cavalcabo Cecchino della Scala – see Franceschino della Scala Cecco...

Character Names – B

Bailardetto Nogarola (Detto) Bailardino Nogarola (Bail) Bartolomeo della Scala Beatrice (Mariotto’s aunt) Beatrice Portinari (Dante’s beloved) Bellario Bellinzona, Ser Benedick Benetendi Benvenito Lenoti, Ser Bertan de Born Boundelmonte, Signoria Brunetto Latini...

Character names – A

I apologize for the long delay. Lear is now open, the understudies have been trained in their fights, the final manuscript complete with copy-edits has been sent, and I have a little more time to devote to this. One of the interesting things about getting the marked...

XVI – Chapter Titles

If you’ve been following the chapters I’ve posted, you’ve noticed that each chapter has had a title. No more. Michael wrote me last night, praising the current edit. But his closing words were these: MY ONLY SUGGESTION WOULD BE TO LOSE THE CHAPTER TITLES,...

XV – Music for Writing

Ah, sweet, sweet music. Some writers like to sit in bustling cafes, smoking their cigarillos and drinking coffee and Bailey’s. Some sit outdoors, with the sounds of nature. Some lock themselves away from the smallest pin-drop. Some don’t care what noise surrounds...