Jul 13, 2006 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel - Travel
Their escort had been hailed by the guard at the gate. The escort now shouted out the names of the passengers – one name, really, followed by “and his sons!” The city’s guards acknowledged the claim and came forward to confirm the number of passengers in the carriage....
Jul 11, 2006 | Books - Publishing
Every book, website, magazine, and person in the publishing business says selling a book cannot be done without an agent. I am not here to refute this. I’m sure there’s someone out there who has done it, but not me. My agent is great. His name is Michael Denneny. He...
Jul 10, 2006 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - The Novel - Travel
If asked, Pietro would have said he was a disappointment to his father. He hadn’t the wit to be a poet, and he was a poor manager for his father. Pietro thought that his little sister would be a better travelling companion for the great Dante. She had the mind for it....
Jul 8, 2006 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare - Travel
My sources were many and varied. The major ones were Barbara Tuchman’s A DISTANT MIRROR, Allison Cornish’s READING DANTE’S STARS, ASIMOV’S GUIDE TO SHAKESPEARE by Isaac Asimov, and a collection of differing versions of Romeo & Juliet (ironically...