Coffee with the Count, 12 Years Later

After the huge event at the Castelvecchio and the excitement of the Torino Book Fair, Jan and I were looking forward to a day to ourselves. On Sunday we took a mid-day train back to Verona, then Jan cooked a dinner for our hostess, Joyce, and Anna and Antonio. She...

Master Of Verona week begins!

This week sees the release of the Italian translation of THE MASTER OF VERONA! IL CAVALIERI DELLA PROFEZIA DI DANTE will appear at the Torino Book Fair this Saturday. Huge thanks to Gianni La Corte of La Corte Editore for publishing it so swiftly! And equally enorous...

Countdown to Torino!

One week from today I'll be in the city of Torino, signing copies of IL CAVALIERE DELLA PROFEZIA DI DANTE at the international book fair. Looking forward to seeing everyone and everything – including an illustrated copy of the Divine Comedy several hundreds...

Oh, Verona!

Below is the letter I penned for the mayor of Verona, proposing the trip I'm making in May of this year. They responded immediately, which was a testament more to the hard work of Italian filmmaker Anna Lelario and her husband Antonio, who have spent the last year...