Free Copy of Colossus: Stone & Steel – TODAY ONLY!

Today you can nab a free copy of the first book in the Colossus series, Stone & Steel. It's set in the year 66 AD, and it shows the ingiting events of the Roman/Jewish War that ended with the destruction of Jerusalem. And did I mention – it's free!...


Below is the cover for COLOSSUS: STONE & STEEL, the first of the Colossus series that begins with the battle of Beth Horon and goes all the way to the early Colosseum games. This novel is the start of the Judean/Roman war, ending with the siege of Jotapata. This...

COLOSSUS – The Roman/Judean War

I have a feeling that with the Kindle printing of THE MASTER OF VERONA, along with its two sequels VOICE OF THE FALCONER and FORTUNE'S FOOL, along with my Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe spy novel HER MAJESTY'S WILL, the other book published on April 23rd...

And we begin…

I've been holding off for months – literally, months – to roll out some announcements. The ink isn't on the paper yet, so I'm still trepidacious about talking, and don't really want to get anyone excited until there's a link on...


At long last, the Judean/Roman novel is complete. I didn't hesitate, sending it off to my agent the moment the final spell-check was complete. It's done. In the course of the last two years, I actually wrote two novels. I spent 2009 writing what I...